WMC Intercepts Military Uniforms, Others Worth N61.6m


The Western Marine Command of Nigeria Customs Service has on Thursday announced the seizure of goods estimated at N61.611,925.00 .

Addressing news men at the command, the Area Controller, Comptroller Boyiliya Binga said the seizures were made at different locations within it’s jurisdiction which include the high sea.

Listing the items intercepted by officers and men of his Command, Binga disclosed that bales of clothing materials for Mopol, Immigration, Navy, Quarantine, Buffalo horns, bales of foreign fabrics, machetes and  fake tramadol.
Others items seized  are 433 bags of 50kg foreign parboiled rice and bags of second hand clothing, bags of second hand shoes and 3,000 empty kegs.

According to the command boss, the fight against smuggling activities with the sea going vessels have continued to yield positive results and operatives of the command have embarked on several strategies in curbing the menace.

He added that the massive seizure was made possible as the result of the unrelenting efforts of  officers and men of the command who ha continuously embarked on 24hours patrol of the waters.

He however reiterated his stance to the perpetrators of the evil act of smuggling and their accomplices  that  Customs do not and will not negotiates with smugglers. Adding  Items found to be contraband will be seized and offenders prosecuted.

He also reveal that the first launch of the seagoing vessel  on the 23rd of October with ten officers on board led to the remarkable exploits in some of the seizure.

While  thanking  the Federal Government and Nigeria Customs Service management team led by the CGC Col. Hameed Ibrahim Ali (rtd) for rendering all support needed at the command, he called on the general public to assist the command with useful information that would curb smuggling activities at sea and land borders.


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