ANLCA Will No Longer Be Business As Usual – Nwabunike, NECOM


The President of Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA), Iju Tony Nwabunike and his executive members has pit their foot down against some former board members who have been working to create crisis in the association for the past two years, stating  that it will no longer be business as usual.

They vowed not to allow the former board members  continue to drag the association backward with their evil acts.

Addressing the  media at the ANLCA’s secretariat in Lagos, Nwabunike disclosed that the association is going ahead to hold a NECOM Annual General Meeting during which a new board members will be elected

He hinted that the six years tenure of the board under which Alhaji Taiwo Mustapha served has since ended in February this year 2020. Stating that if not for the country inrest, the association would have held its AGM long before now.

Nwabunike also disclosed that the masqueraded plan by  Mustapha’s and others  for tenure elongation  has since ended and should be ready to contest like every other persons if interested in continuing in office.

He added that the association will not accept  plea from Mustapha’s former board that the Western Zone chairmen should be allowed to continue in office as part of the peace moves and reconciliation since his board members have been giving false promises to the chapter chairmen that they will allow them to continue in office which is aimed at undermining the constitutional provisions of the association.

It was also revealed that the move by the former board to withdraw the amended Constitution of the association has been rejected by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

The former Secretary of the Board of the association, Mr Taiye Oyeniyi  had written to the Cooperate Affairs Commission on February 10, the same time that their tenure expired, requesting to withdraw the Constitution for obvious reasons as stated by the Secretary of the association, Alhaji Mukaila Abdulazeez.
Adding that the letter from Maryam Faruk who signed for the CAC Registrar reads:“I am directed to inform you that the commission cannot grant your request because of a pending matter in court between some members and the association. 
Furthermore, the application would be put on hold pending the determination of the matter”.The Secretary of ANLCA that this was part of the moves by the former board to ensure that they remain in office.

The amended constitution was adopted during the tenure of the former President of ANLCA, Prince Olayiwola Shittu.Oyeniyi is said to have spent two terms as board member and wants to remain as board member for the third time.
.Responding to question as regards the October 5th attack on its national secretariat, the ANLCA team disclosed that damages to facility cost them over N20million.
They hinted that the attack was part of the grand plan by some unscrupulous members who are bent on destroying the present National Executive Council (NECOM).

The National Secretary, Alhaji Abdulazeez Mukaila said the invaders destroyed many parts of the building, carted away documents and even broke into its achieves to destroy documents and burnt them.

In his word ” The attack was massive, but as you enter here today, it seems as nothing had happen because we have been able to fixed all the damages. If you were here on the day of the attack, windows and doors were smashed, they broke into my office and carted away vital documents burnt them. They even broke into our achieves here and carted away vital documents”.

Abdulazeez added that  though he cannot quantify the amount of vital documents lost to the attack, but that it has cost the association an estimated N20 million to fixed all the vandalized facilities by the hoodlums


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