Women’s Participation In Society Make Peace Agreements Stronger – Mrs Benita Afolabi


In the spirit of International Women’s Day (IWD), celebration, the Managing Director of Keystone Global Resources Limited, Mrs Benita Afolabi has disclosed that women are indeed making the world turn heads towards them as they are attaining greater heights in all spheres, to the extend of traveling to space.

These, she said was not possible in time past but now attainable in this present days. Women are entering into every field and making success in them all to prove their capabilities.

Mrs Benita Afolabi said this during her opening address in commemoration of the International Women’s Day with the students and staffs of FESTAC Girls College, Festac Lagos.

Mrs Afolabi stated that the participation of women is the most effective way to lift communities, companies, and countries. Noting that the participation of women make peace agreements and societies stronger, and economy’s more dynamic.

She hinted that she’s overwhelmed that schools and colleges now celebrate women’s day which will instill respect and care for women in the mind of the young generation, right from their childhood days.

Adding that it’s a great responsibility to empower women as it is necessary for gender equality. Moreover, society is better when women are given equal respect and are not taken for granted.

She hinted that in the past, women were restricted in homes and not permissible to step out of the house for work. Their household responsibilities are their only area of work but with time society has seen many changes. Furthermore, this generation trust and values women with great responsibility.

While urging the students to have confident themselves, to stand tall and and not fall for discrimination, Mrs Afolabi said “Now, women are given equal opportunity at work and are allowed to stand among and at times ahead of men in many fields. Women today have begun realizing their strengths and abilities are ready to step out of their homes, contributing to the success of their home and the entire society.

“The modern women are no longer dependent on men. She is independent and self-confident in every aspect and is capable of doing everything equal to men. Also, we should respect each of them not because of gender, but for their own identity.

“Furthermore, we have to accept that both women and men contribute equally to the betterment of the home and society. Women are the one who brings life. And every woman is extraordinary, no matter where she works whether it’s a home or office.

“They are making a difference to the world around her, and most importantly, they play a vital role in the upbringing of children and making a home. Our responsibility is to honor and appreciate the women who are making success in their lives and bringing success into the life of other women and those around her.

‘Besides, movements and a significant rise in International Women’s Day activities in every corner of the world and many more female-focused days and initiatives around the globe are constantly working to liberalize the women.

“We are moving towards an exhilarating time in history where the world accepts gender balance. Now the world notices their absence and celebrates their presence” She quipped.

Also speaking at the celebration is Engr Oluwadamilola Adebamipe, a marine Engineer working with the Nigeria Ports Authority and the 2015 best graduating students of Arab Academy, Egypt urged the students to be passionate about what drives them.

Engr. Oluwadamilola.said that they should not be intimidated by anything that poised as obstacle on their way to achieving their dreams.

She urged them not to let anything pull them down, not even their background or the fact that they are studying in the government school.

She hinted that while growing up, she attended government school in a remote village and still stayed focus towards achieving her dreams while working on her passion and they also should work towards achieving their dreams, making it a point of duty to keep telling themselves that they will be better than who they are.

Educational materials were shared for the students in their number while the duo of Mrs Afolabi and Engr Oluwadamilola picks some of the students who indicated interest in marine related causes for mentorship and promised to make it a yearly events.


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