Revenue Generation: Apapa Customs Records N264.5b In 3Months


The Apapa Area Customs Command of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has collected a total sum of N264,536,201,293.71 in the first three months of 2022.

The amount shows an increase of N104 billion Naira as against N159 billion Naira collected in the corresponding months of the year 2021. Representing an increase of 65.7% in revenue collection in the command.

The Command through various rigorous efforts and shared intelligence also intercepted 46 Containers of various items with a Duty Paid Value of N1,142,876,606.00 as against 28 seizures made in the corresponding months of the year 2021 In its anti-smuggling drive.

Addresing the media on the command’s first quarter activities, the Customs Area Comptroller In charge of the command, Comptroller Malanta Yusuf said some of the seizures include unregistered medicaments, such as tramadol and Codein syrup, unprocessed wood, used clothing, footwear, foreign parboiled rice and other sundry items that fall under the import/export prohibition list contravening the CEMA act, CAP C45 of the law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004.

He noted that in line with the Federal government’s efforts to diversify the economy, exported goods amounting to the sum of N34,072,869,799.00 with a Free On Board (FOB) value of $87,992,356.10 (US) were recorded over the period as against the N30.2 billion which is equivalent to FOB value of $82.1 million (US) that the command handled between January and March 2021.

Comptroller Yusuf appealed to all stakeholders to make sure that items on the import/export prohibition lists are observed and also to prepare themselves for the emerging realities of the Customs examination done through the non-intrusive inspection (NII) regime.


He thanked the Comptroller General of Customs, Col. Hameed Ali (Rtd.), and his management team, the Officers and Men of the Command, compliant stakeholders and the media for the synergy that enables the successes being achieved in the premier Customs command.


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