48Hour Cargo Clearance : Tincan Customs Boss Reiterate Commitment


 Tincan Island Customs Controller,  Comptroller Musa Baba Abdullahi has reiterated the command’s  commitment to achieve 48hour cargo clearance from the port without compromising  revenue collection and national security.

The area  controller said efforts are being put in place to maximise benefits of technology and build the command’s manpower to meet with the growing challenges of modern trade.

Comptroller Musa who made this known while addressing visiting officials of the Association of Maritime Journalists of Nigeria (AMJON) in his office, identified swift dispute resolution as a key component to facilitate trade.

Musa said the command has put in place a faster mechanism to address any area of disagreement in interpretations of guidelines for duty collection and other related matters.

He added that a committee put in place for disputes resolution meets as soon as any dispute arises to avoid port users incurring costs caused as a result of delays in resolving such disputes.

According to him, there is a quicker process of bringing issues to his attention and contacting the headquarters where necessary to avoid delays associated with such disagreements.

He said the command has stepped up efforts at keeping officers and relevant stakeholders abreast with the use of technology for the purpose of customs operations.

The Controller disclosed that Senior officers and licensed customs agents are being trained at the command’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) Centre on the latest Nigeria Customs Information System (NICIS 2) in batches.

Musa said the training and retraining of customs personnel and stakeholders will continue with a view to getting as many persons as possible knowledgeable about the workings of the system

He also emphasised on the need for all stakeholders to increase their levels of compliance with rules and improve on their knowledge as ways of achieving seamless flow of trade thereby achieving faster clearance of goods from the port.

The Controller also advised the maritime media to uphold the ethics of their profession and be fair and truthful in all they do


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