ANLCA  BOT Members Confirms Mustapha President


…Njoku Attempt Frustrating Elections Move

The  Board  of Trustee,  Association of Nigeria Licensed Customs Agent (ANCLA) has expressed  disappointment over unguarded statements credited to the former Chairman of the Board, Chief Henry  Njoku and some uninformed members of the association about the reality of change in leadership.

In a recent forum with media men in Lagos,   the Secretary of the Board,  Prince Taye Oyeniyi  said  the Board had earlier agreed at a meeting that the elections would take place after the NECOM elections.

He lamented that every effort to have this election before now as agreed, hence the expiration of the two term tenure (2007 -2018, April) of Chief Njoku proved abortive as he kept frustrating the move.

“However, at a meeting held in September, 2017 in Port-Harcourt,  the issue of change in Leadership was first Discussed and subsequently at another meeting on the  24th January,  2017 in Lagos, where it was unanimously agreed that the change will come immediately after the NECOM  elections that took place in Enugu.

“Unfortunately,  after the NECOM  elections,  Chief Njoku frustrated every attempt to convene a meeting until on Friday, 13th April, 2018 and all matters arising from the previous minutes were duly treated,  but when it got to the issue of Change of Leadership, he tried again to frustrate it by saying it would be shifted to another future date.

” At that point in time, a motion was moved, supported and upheld by a majority vote of 5 members that the elections be held immediately and that the Leadership of BOT could be rotational on 2-yearly hence nominations and elections that brought about the new leadership”.

Prince Oyeniyi noted that the BOT Chairmanship issue is an internal affair which was decided for the smooth operations of the Board and does not in anyway concern the general body, hence it was provided for in the ANCLA Constitution.

He used the forum to dispel rumors that there is çrises within the BOT and the entire Association and warned that they would not take  it kindly with  any attempt to undermine it’s authority, duties and obligations of the Association .

According to a communique issued by the Board of Trustee of the association, made available to news men, Alhaji Taiwo Mustapha was elected Chairman,  Chief Denis Okafor – Vice Chairman;  Prince Taye  Oyeniyi — Secretary.


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