Western Marine Command Rakes N48.8m Seizures From Waterways


The Nigeria Customs Service,  Western Marine Command in its renewed operational capabilities has made a notable  seizures with a total DPV value of Forty Eight Million, Eight Hundred and Fifty Four Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixty Eight Naira, Twenty Eight Kobo only. (N48, 854,68.28) between the  month of  January to June, 2018 in comparison   to Twenty Seven Million, Three Hundred and Twenty Three Thousand, Six Hundred and Thirty Five Naira, Four Kobo Only. (N27, 323,635.04) realized in year 2017 within the same period under review. Indicating an increase DPV of Twenty One Million Five Hundred and Thirty Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Three, Twenty Four Kobo Only (N21, 530,833.24.) 

The  seized items are    Foreign parboiled rice,     Frozen poultry  products,  Vegetable oil and     Premium motor spirits (PMS). Others include St. Louis sugar and Second hand clothing.               

According to the statement by the command Public Relation Officer,  Emmanuel Tangwa , stated that the Command Area Controller, comptroller Sarkin kebbi, M.M attributed the success so far achieved to new strategies implored by the command which are yielding desired goals.

Comptroller Kebbi while reiterating the stance of the command on smuggling activities along the waterways maintains that the command will not go back on its responsibilities of checkmating smuggling activities on the waterways of western region of the country and ensuring that smuggling activities  are nipped in the bud.

He comended that the feat achieved so far was without daunting challenges in the area of logistics. 

We will not sit and say we don’t have working tools, I will use what is on ground and do the needful”he says. 

The command helmsman  reaffirms his commitment in fighting smuggling to a standstill with the creation of “Operation Total Blockade”, “CAC HQ Surveillance Team” and “CAC HQ Anti-smuggling squad” operating on a 24hrs routine within the command’s area of jurisdiction

 Noting that the command major concern is suppressing illicit activities on the waterways, he advised those still involved in the illegal business of smuggling to abandon or continue to face the crackdown by his officers and men on the water-ways and creeks.

Concerning the Sea-Going Vessels at Marina, Lagos, he assured  that plans are in high gear for the complete handing over to customs. He thank the CGC and his Management team for working round the clock to see that these sea-going vessels are handed to customs and commissioned for use.

He however did not fail to appreciate the media for their firm support to the command by reporting objectively on its activities. 

He called on the general public to assist the command with inputs that will help in fighting these economic saboteurs who have resolved  to attacking innocent customs officers all over the country discharging their lawful duties. Recent pictures of gruesome attacks and inflicting customs officers with life threatening wounds is a call for concern.



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