Group’s Pay Solidarity Visit To Nwabunike, NECOM


In the bid to show their supports as well as passing a Vote of Confidence on the leadership of Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA), two groups yesterday paid a solidarity visit to the National President of the Association, Hon. Iju Tony Nwabunike and his entire Executive members.

The groups which comprises of  Muritala  Mohammed International Airport  Chapter of ANLCA and Oganiru -Igbo, an organized body of Igbo extraction of Customs Brokers paid the solidarity visit with the sole aim of charting a new course for the respected body of Customs Brokers in Nigeria.

Presenting their address during the visit, the Airport Chapter of the Association gave  assurances of support from the License owners of Muritala Mohammed International Airport Chapter of their solemnly behind the present NECOM with pledge  of loyalty to the President and his Exco.

They hinted that they want election to be taken in their chapter  before  the expired date of the Interim Government. That they  want the status quo of the Interim Government to remain as it is. “We   want ASECO to give us   viable time table for the election and also give us  the assurance that the  time table will be followed accordingly.”

They  also demands that, NECOM  representative/ official should visit them at least twice a year and that the NECOM should appoint a representative from their chapter as intermediary between them and NECOM  to  avert information gap among other demands. Over 35 members signed the statement.
On their part, the Oganiru-Igbo stated in their address to the ANLCA, NECOM that  they are  a Pan -Igbo  Think Tank /Interest Group  for the upliftment, renaissance, promotion and protection of Igbo interest in the Freight and Forwarding industry in Nigeria.
According to them, they  paid the solidarity visit to the ANLCA National President, Hon. Iju Tony Nwabunike to  align itself with the tremendous and selfless services he has conceptualized and nurtured to fruition in ANLCA.
Some of their demands and appeals includes, ” That we stand in solidarity with you on the myriad of orchestrated Court cases/ litigations against your person and your presidency of ANLCA.
That all Men/ Women of goodwill and voice of reason in the Clearing and Forwarding business are resoundingly in agreement that your second term ambition will be pursued with such vigour unprecedented in the annals of electioneering. That we implore our aggrieved compatriots to find it expedient to dialogue with our own brothers and sisters viewed as not in tandem with their own ideas/ ideologies” And that they urged all gladiators laying political and economical landmines through frivolous litigations  to cease fire and return to the trajectory of vision  and reason , as there will not be victory for them anywhere” the group  said.
In his response, the ANLCA National President, Tony Iju Nwabunike thanked them for their show of solidarity and love and promised them that all their demands and appeals are  genuine and that NECOM, under his  leadership is proud of them.
Nwabunike further promised that his leadership in ANLCA is to build a strong institution and appeal for all to shun  hatred and crisis in the Association, but to work for peace and  progress  for a greater ANLCA.


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