MIMASA Under Peterside, Two Years On


During the build up to the 2015 presidential election, for apparent reasons, campaigns fireworks shifted to one of the nation’s cash spinning agency, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NISMASA). 

The All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Organisation (APCPCO), headed by Mallam Shehu Garba in April 2015 made a damning accusation against the then President Goodluck Jonathan who was seeking re-election that his campaign was being funded by NIMASA.

Succinctly APCPCO said ‘NIMASA is Jonathan’s Campaign ATM’. The more the then ruling party tried to deny it, the more strident APC latched to its accusation, prompting the then NIMASA Director General, Dr. Patrick Akpobolokemi call for a world press conference where he issued the historic 72hour ultimatum to APCPCO to withdraw the statement and in addition, apologize in at least two national newspapers; failure which NIMASA will drag the party to court. 

The APCPCO not only remain vehement but proudly boasted it would meet NIMASA in court, stamping its allegation with the seal of uncommon certainty. That development altered public perception about the political financial administration of NIMASA over the years. Of course neither Akpobolokemi in his private or official capacity as DG NIMASA went to court. All the Executive Directors, Directors and Principal Managers who followed Akpobolokemi to the venue of the world press conference, did not as much as coughed after APCPCO called the agency’s bluff. 

It’s been over two years since that fateful political brickbat, under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, the audacious, tall masquerade that made such rude and far reaching accusation. Far more importantly, the Buhari government, apart from its self-allusion to political and financial integrity, has laboured to also wear the toga of CHANGE BEGIN WITH ME.

Sadly, the NIMASA ATM as a tool of political realization under prior administrations, have all the appearances of concomitant interplay in the government that made the most noise whilst it struggled to get on board. There are indications that under Buhari government, NIMASA is not just a political ATM, the agency may have taken on additional special duties in the area of short and medium term medical vehicle for close friends of the government, from the presidency down to MDAs, retired CEOs, retired military personnel, friends and cronies of the transportation minister and DG NIMASA, party loyalists, party chieftains etc.

The DG NIMASA, Dr. Dakuku Peterside, a political protégé of the honourable Minister of Transportation, Rt. Hon. Rotimi Amaechi, has a way of bamboozling his audiences with his slick oratory, and before the attendant standing ovation ended, directly and magically set in motion a secret financial vault to which a fixed amount serve as the access code at every turn.

And the process is ever always smooth without as much as the slightest default. Thus his various programmes since assumption of office, is believed to have ended up a gaping financial drain pipe, which is no less realistic than its former function of political ATM.

There are those who believe that under Buhari two year stint, the NIMASA ATM has dispensed far more than it did under the alleged Jonathan free fund regime. One of the latest financial pipelines is the so-called NIMASA Rebrand oratory, through which billions of naira has gone down the drain. Whilst Amaechi and Peterside with the tacit acquiescence of President Buhari, as it were, successfully pull the smokescreen on the public eye with the NIMASA rebranding mantra, the maritime domain operational co-efficiencies remain largely defective if not totally derelict, and the slush on best practices growing denser and fast eroding the little amount of gains that was accessible under the prior administration. 

As such, ship registry, ship development, labour and cabotage, coastal trade, anti-piracy and other primary function quite unavoidably have continuously suffered downwards galloping  curve, as Peterside and his boss continually lament slow business with consistent discouraging revenue chart. The transportation minister and  the DG NIMASA has over time become master story tellers of dwindling revenue, yet adroit in developing a rebrand blueprint that not only favours their cronies, but annoyingly one that is a clear case of fraudulent incline. 

The NIMASA rebranding programme is a potpourri of frauds, which President Buhari will discover with the smallest amount of effort.  All the president need do is set aside the colourful Nigerian main stream media reportage and embark on the on-the-spot assessment of the so-called rebranding business one by one. Peterside and his boss believed that once the popular national media is able to sell their half truth and barefaced concoctions, Aso Rock and the establishment would have been firmly captured, believing in the efficacy of the western press, which the political juggernauts deployed for every presidential election. Thus the facts of this on-the-spot evaluation in comparison with the budget will tell the true story, different from the media story. 

Four months after the rebranding song, NIMASA vehicles, offices and facilities are still wearing its old logo. In fact, the NIMASA head office roof mast, two of them at Burma Road Apapa Lagos, are still wearing the faded weather beaten signpost. 

The agency’s lift remains an apology since Peterside’s coming, as two of the four lifts rarely function all day, while two are perpetually off stand. In what Peterside wish to pass for remodeling of the head office, his contractors has added a brass covering to the staircase, peeled off the old paint and replaced with a new coating. 

Peterside signs out a princely cheque of over Seven Hundred Thousand Naira for diesel supply to a less critical area of operation as the NIMASA Clinic, on a monthly basis; while supplies to some of its out stations are made from Lagos.  

Rebranding and remodeling are two sides of a coin that must remain above design default, if the final construction, the output is intended to meet the advertised quality. Obviously, Peterside’s NIMASA rebranding gambit is far less apart in quality and transparency than the media hype paneling. Personnel are still largely unmotivated, with the resort to official sharp practices that has become adept at hiding contractors’ files and demanding gratifications before they are ‘found’. Peterside warning in an official memo that such practices will be visited with sanctions has gone unnoticed. 

Every convincing official trip is an avenue to appease and pacify certain categories of disgruntled staff, cultivate friendship and support, even as the official luggage is extended to cover a retinue of discredited and bankrupt stakeholders, noisy group leaders, political tribesmen, discredited VIPs, unionists, and an arcade of superficial personages without any direct bearing on the conference or training, or on the overall activities of the agency.

The most preposterous being the selection of two staffers from every department of the agency for every foreign trip, regardless of the fact that such events has no bearing, absolutely no bearing on the job details of some of the recipients.

It is hard to reconcile that this level of financial rape and unmitigated squander mania is possible under the government of President Buhari. This is a political blight on the person of the president, and another twelve months under this regime can hardly exonerate President Muhammadu Buhari from the rot in NIMASA; especially on the backdrop of the upcoming presidential election. 


When Buhari announced Peterside’s appointment on 9th March 2016, the expectations was high, given Peterside’s perceived public service experience, in addition to his seemingly high heel political links.

Naturally, stakeholders were quick to light up the agenda tree with the essential fundamental branches, which some reckon will be achieved in record time, especially, since he is the transportation minister’s buddy, his tenure would be friction free, which will allow him space to leverage on important industry targets to grow the economy, and take our maritime domain a notch higher in the global maritime map.

In the anticipatory list of achievements under Peterside is an envisaged significantly improved ship registration and shipping development, exponential inland Cabotage trade, increased maritime security, recovery of the national carrier, increased seafaring and capacity building, maritime development and better coastal transportation services, amongst others.

After two years in the saddle however, the initial optimism has considerably waned, given way to pessimism and loss of confidence and hope. Under two years of Peterside, the agency’s ship register has recorded much fewer vessels calling our ports, with its concomitant reduction in accruable revenues. Both state and foreign flag ships, and others engaged in coastal services in the oil and gas industry have sought maintenance and repairs outside the shores of Nigeria, in the absence of dry dock facilities and or ship repairs yard. 

Peterside had in his usual boisterous and fantastic agenda layout, talked about a dry dock through a PPP arrangement, but as usual, the matter ended there, after a standing ovation that attended his smooth speech. 

Perhaps, at this juncture, it should be recalled that the DG NIMASA not only abandoned the Shipyard under construction it inherited from the prior administration, he has so far shown lack of leadership interest in genuinely encouraging the establishment of shipyards, which sadly, constitute an essential component of its primary functions. 

Available statistics also show a progressive decline in the register of ships calling our ports in the past two years, with indication of some of the foreign fleet preferring neighbouring ports in the sub region, nevertheless that Nigeria is the final destination for their cargo. Experts posit that this ugly trend in not unconnected with the unimpressive fight against piracy, contrary to official posturing by NIMASA that piracy within the Gulf of Guinea and indeed the West Coast has abated significantly. As the man on the saddle, Peterside’s failure to turn the tide merely adds up to his regime of incompetence.

Even though the inland and coastal transportation didn’t enjoy significant fillip during the prior administration in regards to deliberate policy efforts to drive inland coastal trade through the controversial Cabotage Vessel Financing Fund, it is nonetheless, barefaced lies and undignified grandstanding for the current NIMASA leadership to continue to lay claim to success in this direction, by any margin. To put the lie to his lip, a number of foreign ships were hijacked, just February ending. 

It is also patently fallacious, for Peterside and his boss, Amaechi to lament the absence of a risk management control system, under which the CVFF can be disbursed. There are hints that the present APC led government has squandered what is left in the coffers of the Fund, and that attempts to brow beat stakeholders and local ship owners resulted the official posturing to cover up the truth that the CVFF account is heavily depleted. 

Amaechi and Peterside are therefore not only guilty of perjury, but have demonstrated openly that they are unfit for public office, for having the arrogance to declare the CVFF will not be disbursed. For the record, the Fund does not belong exclusively to the FG but is a tripartite contributory scheme, in which Nigerian ship owners control certain percentage. 

Recall that after Amaechi, who evidently was in a moment of political inner turmoilmade that damning declaration in December last year, during a meeting with ship owners; the latter advised Peterside to resign, failing which he should be sacked.  It is safe to conclude from above that shipping development under Peterside has been anything but growing, by whatever scale of measurement we choose to look at it.

The DG NIMASA scorecard in maritime security has been all time low, with sea borne criminalities hitting an unprecedented rise in the past two years. His predecessor, Dr. Patrick Akpobolokemi was able to bring it under appreciable control, in collaboration with Specialist West Vessels, owned by Chief Government Ekpomopobre, alias Tompolo, who provided strong, functional and efficient platforms under which NIMASA recorded great stride in reducing the menace of piracy, illegal bunkering, sea robbery and other economic crimes at sea. If Peterside inherited these robust maritime security platforms and was unable to maximize its use for whatever reasons, again shows that he truly lacks the competence to lead an important state agency like NIMASA.

To be fair, one cannot write Dakuku Peterside off as a complete failure in NIMASA. He has successfully under unclear circumstances, waged war against the agency’s huge debt profile, and is believed to have recovered a significant chunk of the debt, albeit secretly. The irony of the recovery is that the Nigerian people for whom these monies are held in trust have no idea how much has been recovered, who paid what, who is owing what, and where the money recovered is being kept. 

Again talking about Peterside’s ability, it is believed that he has successfully empowered principal party allies, through juicy contracts, in preparation for 2019 elections. It is therefore wrong to say Peterside is incompetent or disobedient to direct orders according to his boss and buddy, the truth is, what he lack in terms of the primary functions of the industry, he makes up in smart, quick official market sales, knowing full well, dusk is just a matter of hours away, with its unforeseen possibilities. 

Doubtless, his latest Blue Economy mantra cannot detract from his market wares, which with good sales, also guarantees him some princely cut in the usual financial drain pipe enterprise, in which he remains the chief contractor. Already, Peterside has done much sensitization and advertising in this regard, and our lawmakers are too willing to speedy the process of its budget allocation, while the presidency remain united with NASS in the matter, whether or not, at the end of the day, Nigeria continue to drift in the old grey economy. In any case, by the time the blue economy talk gets real serious, Peterside may already be the senate, since Amaechi has withdrawn his support for the DG NIMASA’s future aspiration for Rivers State governorship ticket.

FOU ‘A’ Customs Intercept Additional 8,492kg Of Pangolin

Bearly a week the Federal Operations Unit. () zone ‘A’ ikeja, of Nigeria Customs Service  impounded 55 sacks of  pangolin and 218 pieces of elephant tusks, another  consignment of wildlife body parts (Pangolin) with a duty paid value of N1.7billion was intercepted by the same unit. 

The seizure was made in an apartment where the items were warehoused at 64 Opebi Road, Off Toyin Street, Ikeja Lagos.

A Chinese national, Mr. Li Chaomin, who is suspected to be the importer was also arrested in connection with the goods.
Comptroller Mohammed Uba while  briefing newsmen men said, the Unit had stormed the house following a tip-off it had received.
He explained that a physical examination of the items showed that they are Pangolin which is banned in the country.

The seized Pangolin were in 329 sacks weighing 8,492kg. Uba explained that the Customs Administration all over the world protects wild life by intercepting illegal trade on such animals.
He added, “ As you are aware, Pangolins are the only known mammals that have large and protective keratin scales covering their skin. After a surge in poaching across Asia, the international illegal wildlife trade is now also a growing threat to African pangolin species. These scales were sourced from other African countries to be trafficked.

“ The tragedy of the unsustainable demand for their body parts in the illegal wildlife trade, the better chance they have from being saved from extinction. It was based on that the World Pangolin Day was set side globally to talk about pangolins and to help spread awareness about one of the world’s most vulnerable but least-known species. This year’s Pangolin Day was held February 17 to that effect.

“ For the avoidance of doubt, our action is in-line with the provisions of Sections 147 of Customs and Excise Management Act (CEMA) Cap 45, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 (power to search premises)”.
Uba said that the seized items will be handed over the NESREA as usual for further investigation.
The Customs Controller was full of commendation for customs officers for their “resilience to have put their lives on the line while performing their statutory responsibilities most especially in anti-smuggling operations, which is yielding positive result. We will continue to motivate them and provide needed operational logistics that will help them perform their job better so as to sustain the tempo”.

FOU ‘A’ Intercepts Pangolin Shells, Elephant Tusks Worth N493.475, Others


The anti-smuggling czar of Federal Operations Unit, Zone,A Ikeja,,Comptroller  Mohammed  Uba has again  demonstrated high level of tamiing  the antics of the economic saboteurs. 

In the month  of February 2018, the unit has  seized 55 Sacks of Pangolin Shells weighing 2001Kg Valued at N408,319,317 and  218 pieces  of Elephant Tusks Weighing 343kg also Valued  N85,156,649.96.

The Unit also intercepted 18 assorted  Vehicles worth N303 million coming through unapproved routes.

Other Items seized within the period includes, 4,201 bags of foreign parboiled rice, 2,619 Cartons of frozen poultry products , 1,105 jerrycans  of Vegetable Oil, 2,637 pieces of used tyres,  and 1,333 bales of used Clothing among  Others.

The total Duty Paid Value for all the seized goods in February is put at N1,035,232,046.13.

Briefing Newsmen, the Unit boss, Mohammed Uba  said ‘You will recall that the responsibilities of the NCS have undoubtedly increase tremendously overtime because of the implementation of different International Protocols and Conventions.

The Convention of International  Trade in endangered Species(CITES 1973) entails that  Customs administration globally protects wild life by intercepting illegal trade on such animals”. 

While  handing over the pangolin shells and elephant tusk to the Lagos State Coordinator of Nigeria Environment Standards and Regulatory Enforcement Agency(NESREA) Mr Nosa  Aigbejo, Uba said the items were seized by  the warehouse operations team  led by Assistant Comptroller Mutalib  Sule, while on Intelligence reports at Allen Avenue, Ikeja,Lagos State.

On the seized  vehicles which includes,a Rolls Royce, a Chrysler, Audi Q7,a Land Rover HSE, a Toyota Venza among others ranging from 2008 to 2015 models, Uba said they came into the country through Land borders which were unapproved routes by the federal government.

He said some of the vehicles were intercepted along Ijebu Ode in Ogun State.

Within the period, the Unit also intercepted 1/20ft Container falsely declared,while 17 suspects were also arrested in  connection with the 90 seizures including Mr KO Sin Ying, a Chinese National.

A total of N67,945,158 was also recovered through Demand Notices  making a cumulative figure of N1,103,177,204 within the period.

Uba  thanked  the media for their continued supports and urge them to sensitize and educate the general public on the effects of smuggling to the Nation’s economy.

Onne Customs Command Intercept 8,245 cartons Of Harmful Drugs




The Onne  Command of Nigeria Customs Service has seized 9by 40ft containers of harmful drugs imported from China and India.
The 9 containers of drugs  contains a total of 8,245 cartons of fake pharmaceuticals which  are tramadol, anti malarial drugs, and analgesics with a duty paid value of N395m were said to be falsely declared as pressure reducing and PVC valves.
The Customs Area Control, Comptroller Abubakar Bashir while conducting press men round the seized items disclosed that aside from the 9 containers of fake pharmaceuticals another 8 × 20 ‘ containers coming from Thailand and carrying 4120 bags of rice falsely declared as sewing machines with Duty Paid Value of =N=64,878,141.48 were seized, making a total of 17 containers with Duty Paid Value (DPV) of  N460,004,053.48. 
Meanwhile these great feast were recorded  
 within the first six weeks of the new year during which period over N11b was garnered into government coffers as revenue from duty collection
While expressing his view on the seized pharmaceutical,  Bashit  said that  he is pleased with the seized drugs as that will debar it from hitting it’s set target.
“We are particularly delighted by this seizure because we recognize the harmful effect they have especially on our youth and the current national challenge of substance abuse”
“Indeed we are resolute in our determination to bring to an end the nefarious act of the illicit trade in fake pharmaceuticals and other dangerous goods, these consignments have been duly inventoried and the Command in line with its mandate has already liaised with NAFDAC for further action.
“We have consistently maintained our policy of zero tolerance for any activity that would jeopardize the well being of Nigerians and have remained steadfast in our commitment to achieve the goals of the Nigeria Customs Service in terms of revenue generation and anti-smuggling” he quipped.

20,000 Illegal Migrants Deported From Libya by IRITEI IMOTONGHA


More than 20,000 illegal migrants who had been trapped while trying to cross from Libya through the Mediterranean Sea to Europe had been repatriated.

According to the Libya Foreign Minister, Mohammed Taha Sale, stated that the number of illegal migrants have reduced to a very low rate, as compared to the other years. He said the Libya government is trying to reduce this illegal exodus by calling on other sister African countries to encourage their citizens to stay back home.

He explained that the Libya government is in a very difficult situation as the country has a coast line of over 4,000 kilometres of sour line, “we are trying to discourage these illegal migrant by stepping up our border and coastline patrols, but we still need the cooperation of other African leaders to discourage their citizen from embarking on these “desperate journey”.

And according to Amnesty international, they said they are shocked by the migrants situation.

Our investigation reveals that most of the illegal migrants are mostly from Nigeria, Ghana, Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea among others.

Most of them are classified as economic migrants, who are said to be seeking greener pasture abroad, while other are said to be fleeing from violent conflict and political persecutions among others.

It would be recalled that the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) has engaged the service of some local witch doctors in Edo State, asambassadors to help fight human trafficking.

According to the (NAPTIP) Director-General Ms Julie Okah Donli, revealed that Edo State is said to be the leading State with the highest rate of human trafficking and that the business is said to be organized by some criminal gangs operating within the State.

However, a top official of the Edo State government revealed that the State government would do everything to prevent illegal migration and human trafficking from the state.

Unhealthy Silence Of Recruitments Under APC

Under the President Muhammadu Buhari led government, there has been allegations of secret recruitment by prime agencies without following the laid down rules.
That this seemingly corrupt  recruitment was recorded under President Buhari who is believed to be the epitome of integrity elected on the platform of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) which credits itself as the beacon of political morality.  Yet, both the government  and the party have maintained  a sealed lip over the development.
First,  it was the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was accused  of secret employment of children, wards and relatives of top government officials.
The news generated public out cry but fizzled away shortly after Mr Godwin Emefiele, Governor of CBN reaction through a press statement denying the development.
Although, Emefiele may have been a tool in the hands of the powerful but the public is watching as things unfold.
Not only that, during the last quarter of 2017, the Nigeria Ports Authority. (NPA) was also accused of conducting a secret recruitment exercise favoring cronies of the power brokers from the north and south.
We are worried about these coincidence being product of compromise, in which the presidency  and few cabals are being  accused of installing their children in the key agencies  of government.
Government must respect laid procedures of recruitment which recognized federal that give Nigerians sense of belonging.
It is sad that neither President nor National Assembly leadership has deem it fit to make a public statement on the matter.
Managing Director of NPA, Ms Hadiza  Bala Usman cannot be said to have acted alone in this malfeasance, even though she, like her counterpart CBN has proven to be found wanting in the matter.
We urge every Nigerian stakeholder to rise up and mount pressure  to halt this unholy act and save the nation from further embarrassment.
It is the duty of all to ensure equity, fairness and justice in administration of government and its agencies.

Seme Customs Records N546 million in January


Seme Command of Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) has collected the sum of Five Hundred and Forty-Six Million, Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Four Naira, Sixty-Four Kobo (N546, 837,124.64) as revenue in January 2018 representing about 81 percent of the revenue target actualized.

The command made a total of 64 seizures with a Duty Paid Value (DPV) of Eighteen million, Three Hundred and Thirty-five Thousand, Four Hundred and Ninety-Five Naira (N18, 335, 495.00) for the period under review.

The Customs Area Controller of the command, Comptroller Mohammed Aliyu while commenting on the revenue collected,  disclosed that the command had started on a good note adding that the service was ready to explore all avenues in order to ensure that the target for the year was not only met but exceeded.

Mohammed  restated that the anti-smuggling drive of the command was well fortified against smugglers even as he noted that the clamp-down on smugglers of PMS products through the creeks was a demonstration of the command’s readiness to combat smuggling of any kind through the border to the barest minimum.

Addressing officers and men, the Controller indicated his readiness to reward excellent performance among officers as motivational incentives to ensure strict compliance to the extant laws and the service operational golden rules while discharging their responsibilities.

He further warned officers and men of the command not to compromise the standard set by the service but should be committed to the implementation of government’s fiscal policies especially now that their services were most needed.

Meanwhile, during the retraining exercise conducted by the Nigeria Army 243 Recce Battalion Badagry  Lagos, Controller Mohammed Aliyu has called for a more professional approach in the handling and usage of arms among officers and men of the command.

He re-stated that the exercise would equip officers with all the necessary knowledge and skills to help them deal with challenges that they may face in the course of discharging their duties.

NPA To Take Over Reconstruction Of Tincan Island Road



The Managing Director of NPA, Ms Hadiza Bala Usman recently made it known  that Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) has appealed to the Federal Ministry of Transportation to facilitate a formal request for the Authority  to take over the reconstruction of Tincan Island expressway.

 Hadiza who disclosed this at a forum in Lagos said that NPA could prioritize the reconstruction of the road through the Federal Ministry of Transportation saying that the funding for the reconstruction could be sourced from the organization as part of its contribution to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as she  pointed out that reconstruction of the road was of paramount interest to NPA.

According to her,” We believe that the NPA is prioritizing the road reconstruction and we have made a request to the Federal Ministry of Transportation to facilitate making formal request for the Nigerian Ports Authority to take over the reconstruction of Tincan Island expressway.

“We believe that NPA can prioritize its reconstruction through the Federal Ministry of Transportation and we think that the funding for the reconstruction can be sourced from NPA and to be considered as part of our contributions to the CSR. We think that prioritizing of this road for us is paramount.

“The Nigeria Customs Service declared revenue of N1.2 trillion, the Nigerian Ports Authority also declared N299.8 billion and 70% of these revenues were generated from the western ports. So, we feel that this ports should be prioritized in terms of infrastructure deployment, as a result, if the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing is not ready to prioritize the reconstruction of this road, the Federal Ministry of Transport through NPA is willing to take on that responsibility and the funding will be considered as part of our contribution to the CSR”.



The Management of the Nigerian Ports authority (NPA) has delisted the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFADAC) among others from being fully stationed at the various sea ports in the country.

The General Manager, Corporate and Strategic Communication of NPA, Alhaji Abdullahi

Goje, in a statement said the directive was based on the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC).

Alhaji Goje stated that PEBEC had directed NPA to ensure strict compliance to the 26
October, 2011 presidential directive on agencies permitted to operate in the port.

He said agencies allowed to operate fully at the various ports includes the (NPA),

Nigerian Customs Service (NCS), Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) , Nigeria Police, Department of state Security (DSS), Nigerian Immigration
Service (NIS), Port-Health and the Nigeria Drug Law enforcement Agency (NDLEA)

Nigeria Export 1,983 Containers Of Hibiscus To Mexico


Importation of Nigeria commodities received a boost as  the country has exported 1, 983 containers of hibiscus (Zobo) to Mexico   thereby generating a whooping  $35 million  in 2017.

The Coordinating Director, Nigerian Agricultural Quarantine Service, NAQS, Dr Vincent Isegbe, disclosed this in a chat, where he said farmers and other investors were yet to tap into this ‘goldmine’ of hibiscus business in the country due to high demand from Europe, Asia and America.

According to him, farmers of hibiscus in Jigawa had the highest export of hibiscus in 2017, because they are the largest producers of the commodity.

He also urged zobo farmers to properly organize and position themselves for increased volume of production and export, which will also create more jobs, and attract more interventions from government and development partners.

He said: “In the last one year there has been increase in exports of agricultural commodities. Hibiscus alone in one country, Mexico, generated $35 million in nine months.

“In 2016, the country generated more than $20 million, and that is just one commodity. In the last one year we have done what we call Export Improvement Initiative, EII, for so many commodities. That means we are bringing those commodities that were lying low to ensure that they are properly positioned for export.

“Mexicans and other countries importing our hibiscus (zobo) use it as organic colouring agents for drinks and wines, and as natural blended drink as we drink zobo here in Nigeria, the pharmaceuticals also use it for colouring because is organic.

“In 2016 it generated $20 million, while in 2017 it generated $35 million within nine months. 1, 983 containers were exported to Mexico alone, while other countries in Europe like Germany, Greece, Latvia, and countries of former USSR.

“The major producing State is Jigawa State, others are Kastina, Kebbi, Zamfara, Borno and Yobe produce it. Meanwhile, he urged states like Edo, Kwara to cultivate zobo plant and it could germainate to boost their revenue generation.”

According to him the agency will ensure mycotoxin challenge on agricultural commodities was tackled, therefore efforts are made to ensure this was achieved as they have collaborated with other relevant ministries and agencies to come up with reports to chart a new way to eradicate it.

“For the farmers of zobo, they are registering in Jigawa and Kano State, but we want them is to form organised hibiscus farmers’ clusters like we see in other crops; rice, maize, sorghum, and that will further increase volume and investment in zobo cultivation. They will also benefit from government and donor interventions in capacity building and technical assistance”, he said